
Nest Learning Thermostat Featured on CBS Sunday Morning

  • Published: Aug 13, 2012
  • 1 min read

The Nest Learning Thermostat was featured this Sunday on CBS Sunday Morning in a piece by New York Times technology pundit, David Pogue. The report also featured other “smart thermostat” applications, including Con Edison’s ThinkEco smartAC sponsorship program that allows the utility to turn off your air conditioning during periods of high demand in exchange for the free smart thermostat. Entitled “Dialing the thermostat into the digital age”, it signals the arrival on the scene of personal energy management technology for the average homeowner. In the past, these technologies were really only available to commercial and high-end residential users, but now they are for “everyman” with the desire to constantly survey their personal energy consumption. The video text is featured here at this link.
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