
How to Reduce Carbon Emissions in 2021

  • Published: Jan 6, 2021
  • 3 min read

How to Reduce Carbon Emissions in 2021

As companies, we have a duty to reduce carbon emissions wherever possible. Not only does it save us money in both the short- and long-term, but it’s critical to maintaining our environments and sustaining our planet for generations to come. It’s a mission that individuals, businesses, and government alike need to accomplish as a collective.

When we begin with reevaluating the costs and power associated with maintaining our commercial HVAC systems, we can start to make a difference at combating carbon emissions in our day-to-days. At Air Ideal, we’re committed to providing quality commercial HVAC services while reducing our collective carbon footprint – yours and ours.

What Is Carbon Emission? and Why Is It a Problem?

Scientifically, carbon emission is defined as the release of carbon gas into the atmosphere of our planet, or the expulsion of greenhouse gases into our environments. One of the most pressing issues related to the emission of carbon gases is climate change, or “a long-term change in the average weather patterns that have come to define Earth’s local, regional and global climates,” according to NASA.

Why Should You Care about Carbon Emission?

Concerns over climate change and global warming began as early as the rise of the Industrial Revolution in the late 16th century, and the United States and the rest of the world are still searching for ways to combat and slow a process that greatly threatens the future of the planet. Because of this, it’s important that each person and business does their part to maintain a healthy ecosystem with the fight against carbon emission at its foundation.

How to Reduce Carbon Emissions through Commercial HVAC System Maintenance

If your business is operating on a commercial HVAC system, there are several effective and meaningful ways you can reduce carbon emissions and combat the acceleration of climate change. It all begins with some simple HVAC maintenance:

  • Adjust your thermostat accordingly throughout the year. Adjusting the temperature of your building by about four to five degrees can save you money and reduce emissions very easily. In the summer, keep the temperature slightly above 70 degrees; in the winter, keep the temperature slightly below.
  • Monitor and manage air quality throughout the building. Air quality is crucial to the health and safety of your employees and customers, and it plays a key role in controlling the emission of carbon gases, as well.
  • Update your system as needed. Consult with a commercial HVAC professional regularly, who will alert you to necessary repairs and replacements.

Reduce Your Carbon Emissions with Air Ideal

Our team of experts is here for any and all of your commercial HVAC needs, including replacements, system upgrades, maintenance, and repairs. For more information on reducing carbon emissions in the new year, contact us at Air Ideal today!


Contact Air Ideal today to schedule an estimate for your business’s customized project.