
Commercial HVAC Preparation for the Fall Season

  • Published: Aug 18, 2021
  • 2 min read

Commercial HVAC Preparation for the Fall Season

While the summer heat may still be in full affect, now is the time to begin preparing your commercial HVAC equipment for the fall season to avoid potential unit malfunctions during the tail-end of summer, as well as to optimize your current equipment to adapt for unexpected temperature drops in the second half of the year. 

As with any sort of commercial HVAC preventative maintenance, seasonal maintenance for your HVAC system will facilitate long-term optimal performance and ensure your current equipment lasts for the full duration of its lifespan. 

Below are a few simple tips that facilities managers can incorporate into their current preventative maintenance plans as they prepare their commercial buildings for the fall season.

Establish and Continue Ongoing Preventative Maintenance

HVAC systems—and especially commercial units—are complex. With so many moving parts, outdoor conditions can dramatically affect the performance and efficiency of large-scale equipment. As such, the establishment of regular preventive HVAC maintenance is crucial to the identification of underlying issues that may have surfaced during the heat of the summer, which should be addressed during the fall season before significant drops in temperature occur. 

Inspect Heat-Specific HVAC Components

By inspecting individual HVAC components, building and facilities managers will gain more targeted insight into the operation and health of the many moving parts of their commercial heating and cooling equipment. Failure to inspect heat-specific HVAC components, such as gas and oil connections and heat exchangers, creates fire hazards, putting the safety of building occupants at risk. 

Clean Outdoor HVAC Components

During the summer months, outdoor HVAC components will have undergone a bit of wear-and-tear. As the fall season approaches, now is the perfect time to spruce up any outdoor components of your current system. Clean the surrounding areas by removing any debris or dirt, and, if necessary, use a cleaning solution to remove any stains or animal waste on the equipment. 

Arranging for Fall HVAC Maintenance with Air Ideal

Maintaining optimal commercial HVAC systems requires regular and frequent maintenance. Year-round, building and facilities managers rely on the knowledge and expertise of experienced HVAC technicians capable of identifying issues with current commercial heating and cooling systems, as well as areas of potential improvement.

To learn more about the ways in which your commercial HVAC system can be optimized for the fall season, contact the Air Ideal team today



Contact Air Ideal today to schedule an estimate for your business’s customized project.