One of the biggest problems HVAC systems face in the winter is excessively cold weather. We all know how New York winters go, and especially with the December winter storm, there has never been a worse time for your pipes to start bursting. In this blog, we will discuss burst pipe prevention and how you can maintain a healthy HVAC system.
Keep Your Heat Running to Prevent a Burst Pipe
The winter is one of the most (if not the most) taxing season on your HVAC system, and your pipes are no strangers. With the cold weather posing a massive freezing threat to your pipes, there’s one easy solution that’ll prevent a burst pipe — and that is to keep your heat running! But why?
It’s simple — with the heat running, the water flowing will keep the pipes warm enough to combat the freezing cold temperatures from outside.
But what happens when no one is home? You might consider turning the heat off, but avoid this at all costs! While it might seem like a good way to save money by shutting the heat off, it’s actually counterintuitive as it sets your pipes up for failure. Without the proper heat and water flow, a burst pipe is sure to follow after being exposed to prolonged cold temps.
Disconnect Your Hose Before the Winter Starts
Something a lot of homeowners might miss on their winter preparation checklist includes disconnecting their hose. While you might’ve been using that trusty hose to water your lawn over the summer, it’s important to disconnect it before the winter starts. This is because there may be excess water in the line that needs to be drained, and not disconnecting those can leave your system susceptible to freezing, and even worse: the dreaded burst pipe.
Another way to prevent a burst pipe is through insulation! Insulation is a great investment, and it can do more than just keep your home warm in the winter. It can also help prevent condensation and keep your pipes from freezing more easily. Insulation isn’t cheap, but it’s definitely not expensive either — plus you’ll save money in the long run by installing some now!
Some places in your home to consider insulating include your attic, basement, and areas that are susceptible to cold spots in your home. Not only will it prevent a burst pipe, but it’ll also ensure the warmth and safety of the members of your household.
Fixing a Burst Pipe with Air Ideal
If your home falls victim to burst pipes, it’s important to act quickly. Otherwise, you may experience leaks throughout the vents in your home and water can start infiltrating your walls. In turn, this can lead to a lot of internal damage in your home’s walls and may require extra rehabilitation.
If you have a burst pipe, it’s best to contact the experts. At Air Ideal, our trained technicians will diagnose where the burst pipe is and the best course of action to prevent further leaks and fix said burst pipe. If you’re currently experiencing issues with burst pipes or are worried about future leaks, don’t hesitate to reach out to us, and visit our website for more information!